We, Unique Metal Industries are manufacturer and worldwide exporter of Beauty Instruments (Diamond Shears, Grooming Shears, Thinning & Texturizing Shears, Hair Dressing Scissors, Plastic Handle Shears, Razors, Cuticle Nippers, Acrylic Nippers, Nail Cutters, Silk & Fiber Glass Scissors, Nail & Cuticle Scissors, Nail & Cuticle Pushers, Nail Care Tools & Files, Tweezers, Skin Care Tools, Foot Care Tools, Manicure Kits, Body Piercing Tools, Hair Extension Tools, Manicure Cases), Dental Instruments (Extracting Forceps, Impression Trays, Mouth Mirror Handles, Amalgam Condensers & Pluggers, Root Elevators, Excavators, Needle Holders, Scissors, Amalgam Carriers, Periodental Pocket Probes, Bone Instruments, Burnishers, Carvers, Cavity Liners, Cement Spatulas, Cleoid Discoids, Cotton & Dressing Forceps, Endodontic Instruments, Explorers, Hemostats, Periodental Pocket Probes / Explorers, Periosteal Elevators, Plastic Filling Instruments, Scalpel Handles, Waxing Instruments), Surgical Instruments (Diagnostics, Dressing & Sponge Forceps, Dressing & Tissue Forceps, Gynecology / Vaginal Speculums, Haemostatic Forceps, Intestine & Stomach, Laryngoscopes, Obstetrics, Oral Instruments, Otology, Plaster, Probes, Retractors, Rhinology, Scalpels, Scissors, Splinter Forceps, Sterilization, Tonsil, Towel & Tubing Clamps, Tracheotomy, Trocars), TC Instruments (TC Scissors, TC Forceps, TC Suture, TC Wire Cutting Pliers), Orthodontic Instruments (Orthodontic Pliers, Orthodontic Instruments, Dental Pliers, Optical Pliers, Jewelery Pliers, Marble Cutting Pliers, Wire Cutting Pliers), Electrosurgical Instruments, Dental Syringes, Wire Mesh Trays, Instruments Kits,. Our production control, testing and quality system standards are compliance oriented towards International Quality Control Standards. High-grade surgical stainless steel is ground, polished and sharpened to perfection. Generations of dedicated craftsmen skills and pride are reflected in each our instrument.
We extends its mission as Healthcare at its cutting edge creating a culture of competitiveness based on total quality process. Thus Inox Instruments envisions itself as a leader organization in healthcare, recognized for its dedication by providing value oriented quality instruments to its customers by constantly exceeding their expectations.
At Unique Metal Industries, the quality is set in motion through motivated specifications planning by trained technical personnel. The computer aided designing and imaging provide visual instruments a set configuration, which simplifies each aspect of instrument manufacturing.
Our commitment is to meet the changing needs of healthcare systems and to lead the industry by providing quality surgical instruments at competitive cost.
Unique Metal Industries manages the industry most comprehensive inventory to insure complete delivery, with instrument patterns in our website, We can provide any instrument virtually, quickly and economically.